From Principal’s Desk

Mentor-mentee connection puts professors in continues contact with students, works out academic and personal concerns, and pramotes academic relationship with students. We are proud to state that our institution has a majority of female students, and as a result, we have a fully functional Womes Development Cell(WDC) that organizes programs pertaining to women and their concerns for the impoverment of female students. Finacial assistants is provided to students through various centeral and state Government Scholarship schemes.

We believe in maintaining healthy environment for all the students. The institution has started a specious gymnasium since 2004. Modern and advance equipments are installed for the training. Wi-Fi facility is available to students and staff for online access to learning resources. Sports department has always being at the four front for students academic development as well as personality development. We are organizing Ashwamedh Sports Festival every year to show the talents of the students. Students are encourage to participate in various compition organized by the 'Youth Festival' of university of mumbai and various state and national level compitions

The institution recognizes it's role as a higher education institution and has plays a strong focus on extensions and community- related activities and projects. Our President, hon'ble Arvind Appasaheb Bhanushali, place a high priority on neiberhood community development through outrich initiatives in rural, tribal,and hilly areas. Beside the syllabus, the institutions organized program to inculcate human values in students and staffs like tree plantation, Blood Donation Camp, Birth and Death anniversaries of Indian National Heroes. NSS unit is very active and regullarly arranged social and cultural activities in the college and adopted villages. 17 study centers where open and being run in the tribal and hilly areas of shahapur tahsil in order to increse the interest of rural childeren in science education. The departments of science and Technology do extension activities through exhibitions, Poster making compition,study tours and field visits, environmental awareness programs, Guest-lectures, Workshops, seminars and conferences. The Cross-cutting issues like Gender equity, Environmental sustainability,Human Values and Professional Ethics etc.,find and ample space when it comes to applying them positively into the curriculum. Considering the scarcity of water and energy, We have equipped our campus with water harvasting system and roof-top solar energy powerplant. We also have linkages with industries and NGO's through which we conduct many outrich activities.

The college has already made steps to adopt the New National Education Policy-2020. The Department of Examination and Evaluation regularly resisters the credits on by each students in the continuous accesment process on the ABC portal. We are devoted to developing better citizens and future young mindes of India, and always greatful to welcome you all to our instituation.

Thank you.

(Dr.Sahebrao Dhanwate)